Designa Poster
How it works
Create a poster based on one of the themes below. Your interpretation of the theme can be rendered using: graphic design, illustration, photography, type or any medium you can think of which we can print.
The winning poster will be printed A2 size (594x420mm) at 300 Dpi. For the purposes of voting and previewing on this website, poster entries uploaded should be:
Your poster entry will be auto-resized proportionatly by us to fit our website. If your poster is chosen as the winner, you will be contacted again to send over a high-res version of it.
Step 2.
Upload your poster to face the public vote.
Step 3.
The poster in each category with the most votes is printed and distributed in the Don’t Panic pack. Make sure you upload your poster as soon as possible before the deadline, because the longer it is online the more votes it can receive.
Themes and deadlines
One poster on each theme will be printed, so there will be four winners.